They say that there are things in life that you cannot stop doing, that they are “obligatory,” and one of them is being a father. Without a doubt, for me it was an incredible experience, a unique and indescribable feeling that pervades you inside and fills you with happiness. When you see your child in your arms and look at him in a fragment of time, when it seems that everything has stopped like a movie, and you think from the second, even long before his birth, that you would give everything for this little person, in order to making her happy and being happy by her side … these are unique and indelible moments for any parent. Without a doubt, this is an atypical father’s day, on the one hand, many parents will be able to spend the whole day at home with their children, and on the other hand, a large number of parents will work to take care of us and provide social security. prevail. Hence the applause to all of them and equally to the mothers and to all the people who make these difficult moments more bearable.
What a better way to spend time with our kids than to play. We all know that play is essential in children’s lives, they need to be active, experiencing and stimulating with different characteristics in order to fully develop their abilities. Children learn by playing. Through various games, the child develops his sensory abilities, his creativity, his imagination, communication skills, affective abilities, decision-making, etc. But, like adults, not all children need the same stimuli.
Today our children live surrounded by incentives. Incentives of all kinds, but above all technological. It is obvious that in modern society it is impossible to turn away from new technologies, the Internet, video games, etc. In fact, this would be a mistake. Spain’s internet connection data has recently been released and the numbers are devastating, 75% of Spain’s population connects to the internet every day.
It seems that with so much technology, it’s impossible for kids to get bored, or rather, they don’t know how to get bored, we don’t let them do it. They have so many and many things that sometimes it seems like they don’t even know what to play. If we go out for a drink with friends and their kids, it’s not uncommon to see the kids stay in the chair where they sat as soon as they arrived and play their favorite video games without flinching. If we forget the console, we ask the elderly for their mobile phones, tablet or … This situation can be repeated in the office of a doctor, dentist, etc. It is difficult to later, when you ask them to express their feelings or tell what is happening to them , they will make it easy. It seems that we over-stimulate children to certain skills, but we cut the most valuable that a child has: his imaginative thinking, his creativity, his spontaneity, these allies, which very often led to evenings filled with laughter Strong>, games, race to catch the thief …
Train with the little ones
Today we are introducing a routine to be able to work out with the smallest in the house, enjoy physical exercise together and, of course, begin to instill healthy lifestyle habits.
Let’s take advantage of the situation we are in to get closer to our children, throw ourselves on the ground with them, crawl, crawl, climb, play hide and seek, cook with them, laugh, in short, enjoy them, because time … time passes quickly and sometimes we do not realize that the small details of life, those that do not matter to us in our daily life, are the most important. Smile, affection, hug, word of support. Happy Father’s Day everyone!
And for those who don’t have children, other than asking them to lend them to their neighbor, which is not a good idea these days of confinement because it is not responsible 🙂 we suggest that you take a backpack. , fill it up until it weighs between 10 and 15 kg, depending on your physical condition, and use it instead, either hold it with your hands or put it on your back as an overload.
1. Gentle Baby Squat
Put the child on your shoulders, give him hands so that he has good stability, squat, bending your knees and keeping your torso as vertical as possible.
An option, if you see that your child is in danger, is to put him on horse “, which will hold its back and intertwine legs in front of the stomach.
- Series: 3
- Reps: 8-10
- Muscles engaged: quadriceps, gluteus, upper body in isometric view.
- Difficulty: Medium-Low
Father’s Day Special
2. Jump squat (and cute baby is on)
In the same position as above, make the squat move a little more explosive to get off the ground with a small jump. Try not to make this jump too sharp. Your child will love it, he will definitely laugh, and your fours will love it too … you will see how they heat up very quickly.
- Series: 3
- Reps: 5-6
- Muscles involved: quadriceps, gluteus, upper body in isometric view.
- Difficulty: Medium-High
3. Paternal (or maternal) funds
A classic exercise in which the overload caused by your child gives it a lot of intensity. Lie facedown on the floor, ask the child to sit on their back, and begin to extend their arms to separate the torso from the floor, keeping the back and legs as aligned as possible. Don’t descend too quickly.
- Series: 3
- Reps: 8-10
- Muscles involved: chest, triceps, shoulders, rectus abdominis.
- Difficulty: Medium-High
4. Hip extension
Squats with extended heels and buttocks on the heels. Your child can be on your shoulders or in a backpack, although the first option usually seems more fun because it is taller.
Advance your hip as far as possible until your hip and torso form a parallel line.
- Series: 3
- Reps: 10
- Muscles involved: gluteus maximus and median hamstrings.
- Difficulty: Medium-Low
5. Get up off your knees
Begin in a kneeling position with the front of your leg flat on the ground, lift one knee to support one leg forward, and lift the other leg straight to full extension. Lower by bending the opposite knee to alternate the leg that starts each time.
- Series: 3
- Reps: 10
- Muscles engaged: glutes, hamstrings, quads and calves.
- Difficulty: Medium
6. Starts with included child
With your legs apart, place the baby in front of your torso, next to you, take him under your armpits and lift him until he reaches a little higher than your head, until you stretch your knees.
- Series: 3
- Reps: 8-10
- Muscles are used: quadriceps, gluteus, psoas, shoulders, triceps and psoas.
- Difficulty: Medium-High