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Yo entreno en casa / Día 5: Sillas

Today we are going to do a workout using a couple of chairs that we can have anywhere in the house. You just need that and a little desire to enjoy this routine. It is a combination of functional exercise with our body work that will bring you great benefits. Now that we need to be healthy the most, exercise cannot be absent from our daily life.

Benefits of Bodyweight Exercise

The fact that we work with our own body and use our weight as a load not only preserves the benefits of sacrifices throughout the year, but also gives you all of the following:

No injury

For all of us who are involved in sports, this is very important. The fact that we have to work with varying loads based on movement activates our proprioceptive system and helps us prevent injury.

Improve your coordination

Thanks to the type of movements you have to perform, you will have better control over your body in space. It will have a positive effect on your daily life, increasing your agility and movement skills.

Maintains and even increases your strength levels

With self-loading exercises, you can dramatically increase your strength level by increasing both dynamic and static strength.

You can show off a more toned and defined figure

There is no doubt that one of the purposes for which we perform physical activity, in addition to the goal of health, is physical well-being and self-sympathy. Combine this exercise and don’t forget to swim, run, bike, or do aerobics for the perfect cocktail.

Muscle quality

The muscle gain you achieve with this discipline is balanced and progressive, demonstrating a balance of adequate strength and endurance. This is very important when it comes to increasing our level and athletic performance.

Important metabolic activation

By engaging large muscle groups in the same session, the metabolic rate increases and will help you consume the possible excess calories that we can commit to these days in quarantine in our homes.

1. Pendulum on chairs

The slower the legs move from back to front, the more the core is involved. Remember that in both curves, the elbows move parallel to the torso, next to it.

  • Series: 3
  • Reps: 8-10
  • Muscles engaged: pitch, triceps, core muscles.
  • Difficulty: Medium-High

Yo entreno en casa / Día 5: Sillas

Yo entreno en casa / Día 5: Sillas

Yo entreno en casa / Día 5: Sillas

2. One-sided stand up with a jump

It sounds simple, but getting out of a chair with one leg will test your coordination and will test the strength of your legs. Technique is important. Plus, if we add a jump to another chair, we add a plus of intensity and dynamism.

  • Series: 3
  • Reps: 5 jumps in each direction
  • Muscles engaged: quadriceps, gluteal muscles.
  • Difficulty: Medium-High

Yo entreno en casa / Día 5: Sillas

3. Push-ups with raised leg support

Push-ups are one of the best exercises that exist with our own weight, without a doubt. Pay attention to the position of the elbows (close together) and remember to keep your back in the correct anatomical position.

  • Series: 3
  • Reps: 8-10
  • Muscles engaged: pitch, triceps, core muscles.
  • Difficulty: Medium-High

4. Hand climbers

Support your knees and move your arms up and down, keeping your back straight.

  • Series: 3
  • Reps: 10-15
  • Muscles engaged: quadriceps, gluteal muscles.
  • Difficulty: high

Yo entreno en casa / Día 5: Sillas

By introducing jump power, we increase exercise intensity and improve our physical ability and athletic performance.

  • Series: 3
  • Reps: 5-8
  • Muscles engaged: quadriceps, gluteal muscles.
  • Difficulty: Medium-High

Contralateral Flexion

The intensity of the exercise can be adjusted according to your goals. If arm support increases, you decrease leg work and vice versa.

  • Series: 3
  • Reps: 10-15
  • Muscles engaged: quadriceps, gluteal muscles.
  • Difficulty: low

Yo entreno en casa / Día 5: Sillas

Post Author: Joseph

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