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Traditional remedies can help fight viral and flu infections if they are not a substitute for a specialist visit and recommended treatment, and of course they are natural remedies that can be done at home using readily available products. , cheap and rich in vitamins, minerals and substances with healthy properties.

In the face of an epidemic of new flu viruses, I remembered the Ayurveda recipe that I learned in yoga courses: They call it Fire Cider or Hot Cider, literally translated as Fire Cider, although in fact there is no cider, no drink in it. alcoholic unless made with apple cider vinegar, so it should be translated as fire vinegar, but I like to call it fire cider. it sounds more powerful when it comes to fighting infections.

Fire Cider, la receta de sidra caliente especiada para la gripe y catarros

Fire Cider, a spicy hot cider for the flu and cold

Ayurveda is the backbone of traditional Indian medicine and includes many foods such as ginger, turmeric, garlic, onions, etc. and medicinal plants, some of which are known here as mint and others as tulsi or saint basil.

Ayurveda is based on the 3 doshas or constitution that shape every person. If you want to know your dosha, I recommend that you take the Ayurveda test we run at to find out your Ayurvedic constitution and follow the recommendations according to the prevailing dosha.

Ayurvedic medicine may seem somewhat peculiar as it is based on the fact that each person is different and therefore requires different treatment depending on its composition or dosha. I can tell you that although it can be considered pseudoscience in the West, it is a medicine that is more than 3000 years old, and in India it is basic medicine and it is perfectly integrated with Western medicine. You can study Ayurvedic or Indian medicine at universities, where they publish interesting and well-done scientific studies that analyze the effects of Ayurvedic medicines. Western medicine is usually combined with Ayurvedic medicine in hospitals and sanatoriums.

If you are interested in this subject, you can consult a doctor specializing in Ayurveda for a diagnosis that will help you solve general health problems as well as improve your athletic performance.

What is fire cider for?

“Fire cider” or “fire cider” is a tonic that is recommended in cases of flu and colds or other infections caused by viruses and bacteria, due to its antibacterial and antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects.

Fire cider or fire cider is an Ayurvedic tonic that increases agni , or inner fire, by heating the body, which helps fight infection, sweat and strengthen defense mechanisms.

Fire Cider, la receta de sidra caliente especiada para la gripe y catarros

Fire Cider or Fire Cider recipe for flu and colds

It’s made from common ingredients in the kitchen and only requires a pan to heat a fire and a glass jar to marinate for a month. You can then store it in the refrigerator to use as a syrup at the first symptoms of flu, cold, constipation, or infection.

Here’s the recipe:

Fire Cider Ingredients:

  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 4 or 5 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1/4 cup fresh grated ginger
  • 1/4 cup fresh grated horseradish
  • 1 small red chili without seeds
  • 2 cups or more of apple cider vinegar

How does fire cider work?

In a medium glass canning jar, all ingredients are mixed with enough apple cider vinegar to completely cover the sliced ​​food, right up to the rim of the jar.
Cover the jar with clear paper or a plastic or glass lid, it is best not to use a metal lid as it may interact with vinegar acid.
Mix well by shaking and store in a cool, dark place for at least 1 month. You can shake the mixture every week to control the canning and prevent spoilage.

After 1 month, the liquid is filtered with a fabric filter, squeezing well to get as much liquid as possible.

Store the liquid vinegar collected in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator, and you already have your “fire cider” ready when you need it.

You can also use solid ingredients as pickles.

This drug can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 month, although you have noticed that it becomes cloudy, do not worry, this is a fermented food that follows its natural process due to the probiotic content, and if you do not observe abnormal growth of fungi or yeast or mold smell, no risk. Vinegar is a good preservative and keeps the drink safe in the refrigerator for up to a month.

Fire Cider, la receta de sidra caliente especiada para la gripe y catarros

How to get Fire Cider?

At the first symptoms of infection, flu, colds, constipation and even allergies, take one or two tablespoons of “fire cider” 3 to 5 times a day. You can also dilute this tonic in a glass of drinking water because it has an intense spicy aroma.

In some regions it is drunk hot to intensify the agni or fire of hot meals and meals.

In addition to contacting a specialist to diagnose the disease and make a decision on treatment. Fire cider will help you fight infection and strengthen your defenses, but it is not a miracle cure, but a nutritional aid.

What properties does Fire Cider have?

Fire Cider, la receta de sidra caliente especiada para la gripe y catarros

Thanks to apple cider vinegar, fire cider is digestive and probiotic.

Fire Cider, la receta de sidra caliente especiada para la gripe y catarros

horseradish can help relieve nasal congestion and headaches.

Fire Cider, la receta de sidra caliente especiada para la gripe y catarros

Ginger root is antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, helps with digestion and nausea and has anti-inflammatory effect

Fire Cider, la receta de sidra caliente especiada para la gripe y catarros

Garlic has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.

Fire Cider, la receta de sidra caliente especiada para la gripe y catarros

Onions have similar properties to garlic, but they also expectorate and thin out and help soothe coughs.

Fire Cider, la receta de sidra caliente especiada para la gripe y catarros

Hot chili peppers help generate heat and mobilize blood, delivering oxygen and protective cells throughout the body.

And to finish

There are many varieties of fire cider. I found versions of this apple cider vinegar for flu and colds among the traditional medicines of Northern Europe and North America, with the same basic ingredients like onions, garlic, chili peppers, those added such as pepper, lemon juice, turmeric and cayenne powder, and etc.

Fire Cider, la receta de sidra caliente especiada para la gripe y catarros

I have a feeling that this medicine that came to me as an Ayurvedic tonic in my yoga teacher training could be a multicultural recipe, a way of making pickled canned food with nutrient-rich and antiseptic properties like garlic. and ginger, which is well preserved in the acidity of apple cider vinegar and through a fermentation process turns into probiotics, which help to strengthen the protective functions of our digestive system. But this is a personal impression, I have not found studies that support the properties of “fire cider” against the flu and colds.

Fire Cider, la receta de sidra caliente especiada para la gripe y catarros0

As always, be warned that traditional remedies are not drugs or substitutes for medication, they are only adjuvants and should be used as such.

In the case of this recipe, the spicy and strong flavor may be too strong for those with thin stomachs, children, and the elderly, so think about this before giving a couple tablespoons of fire cider or fire vinegar. Let’s be careful.

Post Author: Joseph

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