If you intend to change something, it is difficult to do it by always doing the same thing, so today I propose to introduce something new to your procedures in order to achieve the improvements that you are looking for day after day. they resist for one reason or another.
Despite all the changes that have occurred in recent years around exercise and physical activity, there are still many exercises and types of training that have appeared many years ago. The procedures are neither better nor worse, they are different, but of course, whatever your goal, you are interested in improving and getting it done as soon as possible.
First of all, try to save time: combining two exercises in one can be the perfect solution when you are pressed for time. This will no longer be a reason for losing the quality of training.
Second, look for self-loading strength gains. Quality: Exercises with self-loading or with some dynamic components are more effective and provide a better balance of strength / resistance.
Try using the proprioceptive system along with good basic work
Making changes to our routine improves our fitness level. When our body is exposed, it reacts in a certain way to better respond to this situation. If we subject it to this type of stimulation on a regular basis, our body will create the necessary adaptations to overcome this physical need. To improve our performance, we must make new adaptations by varying the volume or intensity of training. Changing muscle work is a way to get the stimulus you need to trigger the necessary adaptations that lead to improvement.
Break the monotony. The change should not imply that you stop working in a muscle group, but that you do it in different ways to achieve the same goal.
Today I invite you to do your bowel movement routine intensely, efficiently and fun.
1. Chair knee extension
Keeping your leg on a chair, you should do knee extension and back flexion with the other leg, which will lead to quite dynamic and explosive exercises. It is important to give rhythm to the movement and raise the knee vigorously, but control the movement. The intensity of the exercise will be indicated by the height of the chair.
- Do 3-4 sets of 10 reps with each leg
2. Suspended side plank with knee flexion
The side plates are great for engaging the transverse abdominal muscles, but when we do the board on our feet, the lever that is created is too long, which causes excessive tension on the knee closest to the ground. Supporting your upper leg on a chair can release tension (as long as the knee is close to the edge).
- Do 3-4 sets of 10 reps with each leg
3. Inverted V with a jump
This exercise is sensational to apply some explosiveness to the routine and engage the entire lower body, in addition to intense whole core work.
- Do 3-4 sets of 10 reps.
4. Iron with back chain
In addition to working with the core, this iron will help us stretch the back of our legs, which is very useful these days #yomequedoencasa
- Do 3-4 sets of 10 reps.
5. Iron with elbow extension
This iron makes the work of the abdominal muscles more intense. As you walk backward, you must prevent the lumbar curvature from becoming more pronounced. Try to maintain the correct anatomical position of the back.
- Do 3-4 sets of 10 reps.
6. Flexion + Diagonal Chair Lift
Finish with a metabolic bend followed by a diagonal chair lift.
- Do 3-4 sets of 10 reps